Texas Genealogy

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What is Texas' Genealogy?

Texas Genealogy

Do you currently reside in Texas? Are you looking for ancestors that may have lived there? Search online using the surname you are searching for and pick the county in Texas in which you or your relatives lived - or you think they lived - and you will see names of people who could be related to you.

Texas originally was inhabited and ruled by Spain, thus why still today there is a large Spanish influence on the state. Texas has actually been shaped by the influence of six different independent countries who at one time flew their flag in Texas: Spain, Mexico, Republic of Texas, the Confederacy and the United States.

In the 1800's American and European immigrants started making their way to Texas, this added more culture to already rich gene pool. Texas joined the union in 1845.

As you can tell, Texas is a state with a lot of genealogical history. Is yours one of them?



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