
How do I record dates?

Ver fechas de su viaje!

Una fuente de confusión la fecha es la práctica de la inclusión de sólo los números para el mes / día / año. Usted encontrará que los europeos y los demás utilizan generalmente un día / mes / año, mientras que los estadounidenses utilizan un mes / día / año. Con el fin de evitar confusiones, debe utilizar el siguiente formato: Día-3 caracteres mes - año completo, es decir, 23 de marzo 1958.

Genealogía Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find genealogy books?

Where can I find genealogy magazines?

Why can´t I find my ancestor´s with a search engine?

Why do I need to get Birth Certificates?

Why can´t I find my grandmother´s passport?

What information should I obtain from Deeds?

How can I stay organized?

How do I find African American family history information?

What can the Libary of Congress do for me?

How do I start to organize?

How do I find my ancestor´s maiden name?

What do I do when I can´t find something?

How should I begin my genealogy research?

How can I preserve my scrapbooks?

How do I find out more about my female ancestors.

What should I do before I head to the library?

What is a delayed birth certificate?

How do I find online information?

What are surname distribution patterns?

How do I find information about my adopted ancestors?

How do I find out more about my birth parents?

Why should I obtain Death Certificates?

Why do I need to obtain Marriage Certificates?

How do I find out about genealogy correspondence courses?

How do I find out more about my female ancestors.

What genealogy software is best?

How do I preserve my photographs?

How can I find out where my ancestor is buried?

What should I do after an interview?

How can I find out more about my Revolutionary War ancestor?

What is a family association?

How do I find out more about my female ancestors.

What questions should I ask in an oral interview?

How can I involve my children in family history?

Where can I find out more about my Southern Baptist Ancestors?

What information is found on a WWI Draft Registration Card

How do I obtain Catholic Church Records?

How can I learn more about my revolutionary war ancestor?

How do I plan for an oral interview

What should I take with me to an interview?

How can I use Social Security records in my family history research?

How do I learn more about naming patterns?

How can I research my African-American ancestors?

What adoption registries should I sign up with?

How do I find out more about my Quaker ancestors?

How to I preserve my family photographs?

Can I find genealogy programming on the radio?

Where can I find more information about Mormon Pioneers?

How do I learn more about Ellis Island?

How can I find genealogy guides on tape?

How can I keep track of my family history interviews?

How can I find out where my ancestor is buried?

Where can I find a genealogy mailing list?

Are there any online genealogy courses?

Where can I find Land Patents?

How do I copy old photographs?

How do I use court records?

What does my first name mean?

Where can I find a genealogy mailing list?

What genealogy software is best?

Where can I find a marriage date?

How do I use a search engine?

How do I obtain information about national cemeteries?

How do I find out if my ancestor was on the Mayflower?

How can I find more information on my former slave ancestors?

How do I research my Jewish ancestors?

How do I find out more about my birth parents?

How do I record dates?

How do I find African American family history information?

Where can I find a Family History Center

How can I preserve my oral histories?

What should I include in my scrapbooks?

Where can I find genealogy newsletters?

When will the Ancestors series be broadcast?

How do I find records about my African-American ancestors?

How do I find out more about my Finnish ancestors?

How do I find my ancestor´s tombstone?

Where can I find my ancestor´s funeral records?

How do I find my ancestor´s tombstone?

What is a Free Pedigree Chart?

What is a family group sheet?

What is a Source Summary Chart?

What are Census Forms For?

What is a Genealogy Relationship Chart?

What Should I Know Before I start Searching?

What Should I Remember When Searching?

What Questions Should I Ask My Family?

How Do I Start Searching?

What are Some Mistakes Researchers Make?

How Can I Find Vital Records?

What are Some Things Kids Can Do?

What Forms Should I Have For My Research?

Where Can I Find Celebrity Family Trees?

Where Can I Find Historical Genealogy?

Is Hugh Grant Actually Scottish?

Are Rosie O'Donnell and Bridget Moynahan Related?

Are Women Included in the Family Tree of Confucius?

Are President Bush and Dick Cheney Related?

Are Prince Charles and Camilla Bowles Actually Related?

How Can I Find Out if I am Related to a Celebrity?

Are Camilla, Madonna and Celine Dion Related?

Where Can I See What Celebrity I Resemble?

What is Lesson Plan For Family Trees?

What are Some Gifts to Give for Family Trees?

What is a Family History Map?

What are Some Family Projects that Grandparents Can do?

What Can I Learn About My Family Tree From a Cemetary?

How Can I Make a Crest of My Family Tree?

What is an Ancestor Detector?

How Can I Make My Own Family Tree?

What is a DNA Project?

How Can I Share my Family Tree Project?

What Can I Expect From Free Software?

What Can I Expect from Software That I Purchase?

What Should I Look For in Genealogy Software Reviews?

Is There a Genealogy For Beginners?

What is Some of the Latest Genealogy Software News?

What Should I Look for in Genealogy Software Review Books?

What Should my Software Have?

Is There Software for my PDA?

What is the Genealogy of California?

What is the Genealogy of Iowa?

What is Massachusetts Genealogy?

What is the Genealogy of New York?

What is Texas' Genealogy?

What is South Carolina's Genealogy?

What is the Genealogy of Minnesota?

Where Can I Research my Montana Ancestors?

Where can I go to Research my Arizona Genealogy?

Where Can I Find Information About Alaska Genealogy?

What is a Family Tree Search?

What is the Easiest Way to Search Family Trees?

How Can I Keep My Family Tree Search Organized?

What is the Month of October Known As?

What is a World Family Tree?

How Can I Find Info on my Family Surname?

What is a Research Trip Kit?

What May Make it Difficult to Research My Cherokee Roots?

Where Can I Begin to Search My Irish Roots?

How Can I Research My Italian Relatives who Traveled on a Ship?

How Can I Search My Hispanic Relatives

Will My Search for My African American Roots be Difficult?

How Can I Search My Czech Relatives?

Where do I Look For Greek Genealogy?

How Can I Start my Scottish Genealogy Search?

How Can I Search My Polish Ancestors?

How To Search My Japanese Relatives?

What is the Genealogy of the Jewish?

How Can I Learn About Lutheran Genealogy?

How Can I Find My Methodist Ancestors?

How Can I Research my Catholic Genealogy?

Are There Books to Assist Me in My Research?

How Can I Research my Baptist Genealogy?

How Can I Translate My Records Into English?

How Can I Research My Quaker Roots?

How Can I Search My Mennonite Roots?

Where Can I Find Free Genealogical Information?

Why Take Online Genealogy Classes?

What Makes an Effective Query?

What are Online References for Genealogy?

How Do I Know my Online Data is Correct?

What are Two Good Search Engines to Use?

What is an Online Genealogy Community?

How Can I Keep My Genealogy Research Safe?

How Will I Know That I am Organized?

What is a Digital Library?

How Does Genealogy Keep Your Brain Healthy?

What is a Tip for Searching a Passenger Manifest?

Why Should I Record School History?

What If I Can't Find My Ancestor's Name in a Search?

Can I Take Pictures of my Research?

Should I Include my Unmarried Relatives in my Genealogy Research?

Why are Maiden Names Hard to Find?

Where Can I Research My Ancestor's Divorce Records?

How Can I Research a Family From Canada?

How Can I Search My Australian Ancestors?

What Should I Know Before Beginning a Search on Asian Relatives?

How Can I Find My British Ancestors in South America?

How Do I Search for Relatives in Mexico?

How Easy Will it Be to Search my South Africa Roots?

How Can I Search My Austrian Ancestors?

How Can I Research India Genealogy?

How do I start with family hisoy?

What's the first step I should take?

How can I find out about my family legend?

What if I can't find the right surname?

I have an age for my ancestor - but I can't find the birth in the right year - what shall I do?

Why does the information in the census not tie up with my records?

How should I keep records?

I'm getting frustrated - what should I do now?

How can I save time and headaches when conducting genealogical research?

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PJ Campbell